Multicultural Cookery – Mexican & Venezuelan Cuisines
Cost: $25 members/$30 non members
- 10117 King St, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2H9, Canada
This Multicultural cookery session will be featuring a cooking competition between the Mexican and Venezuelan cuisines. Come and join one of the cuisines and learn many new recipes.
Registration costs $25 for MCA Members (visit www.mcawb.org/membership to learn more about member benefits), or $30 for non-MCA members. Lunch is included.
Those interested are encouraged to register as soon as possible as space is limited (max 10 participants).
If anyone has any questions, they can direct them to events@mcawb.org.
T o become a member and enjoy all our perks, please click on the link below or call our main line at 780-791-5186: