Educare Preschool Parent Yoga Class with free childcare
Cost: Free

- 9803 King Street, Fort McMurray AB
Opening Hour
Entrance and Parking Lot are located behind the Fort McMurray Composite High School -
https://www.educarepreschool.ca/ -
Come enjoy us for a fun and relaxing yoga class! No experience needed. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one. If you don’t have a yoga mat, no worries we will have some available here as well.
Admission is $10/person – Please send payment to office.educarepreschool@gmail.com
Please sign up here:
*Free childcare will be available for children 19 month and older. childcare spots are limited, please be sure to reserve your child/children’s spot(s) ASAP here:
If you have any questions please email us at office.educarepreschool@gmail.com