Elders & Seniors 55+ Tea & Bannock
Cost: Free
- 10111 Main St, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2G7, Canada
The Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre invites elders and seniors age 55+ to enjoy a safe & friendly social gathering with tea and bannock. This is a free event where you can enjoy tasty treats and fun conversations among friends!October 1st will include a special presentation on Social Media.
No registration required.
For questions or inquiries, contact NAFC Elders Coordinator Renee Hurley at elders@nistawoyouafc.com
For questions or inquiries, contact NAFC Elders Coordinator Renee Hurley at elders@nistawoyouafc.com
Thank you to Golden Years Society for continued support in providing the venue.
Elders and seniors tea and bannock is generously sponsored by the RMWB Community Sustaining Grant.