Keyano Huskies Holiday Camp
Cost: FREE*
- 9908 Penhorwood St, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1L3, Canada
Come out and support the Wood Buffalo Food Bank with the Keyano Huskies Holiday Camp! The camp is open to those between the ages of six and 13.
Coaches from all Keyano Huskies team including soccer, basketball and volleyball will be present along with some special guest stars. There is no fee for the camp, in lieu of an admission cost we are accepting day of donations to the Wood Buffalo Food Bank!
Preferred food items are:
Coffee and Tea, Canned Fruit, Dinner Kits, Baking Items, Canned Meats, School Snacks, Soda Crackers, Oatmeal, Spices, Chunk Soups
Registration/Check In 4:45pm